Fun dress up days next week K-12 for National Counselor Week!
Monday - Mismatch Day
Tuesday - Favorite Sports Team
Wednesday - College Gear and Hat day
There will be other fun activities as well.
**Remember all outfits must still be school appropriate and follow the dress code.**

This is a great opportunity for any athletes in our area!

Notes from Monday's Strategic Planning Meeting

Jr. High students celebrated in our Quarter 2—no referral assembly today! Students who received no referrals get their names entered into drawings to win goodies!

Today's boys' JV/Varsity AWAY game at Bear Lake is a go. Game time is 6PM. See you at the game.

This past Friday, we acknowledged the following groups for all of their hard work and dedication put into our winter extracurricular activities. These groups include Boys Jr. High, JV, and Varsity teams; Girls Jr. High and Varsity teams; Robotics and Powerlifting! Not pictured is our NHS.

We want to hear from YOU! Mesick Schools Strategic Planning--Tomorrow evening, 6 pm-7:30 pm Mesick High School Library

Today's boys' JV/Varsity AWAY game at TC Christian is canceled.

Today's Varsity girls' home game vs McBain and today's girls' JRH games vs MCE are canceled.

Today's JV boys' game vs Cadillac Homeschool is a go. Game time is 6 PM.

Mesick Schools is closed Tuesday, January 21st due to weather.

Tomorrow's boys' Varsity basketball game AWAY at BRCC is canceled.

Our JRH girls' game vs Frankfort has been canceled. JRH girls will practice right after school today: 3:15-5:15

Tomorrow's boys' game vs Pentwater will be a varsity only. 6 PM start.

Reminder! Tomorrow, January 17th, is a half day!

Plan on attending our next Strategic Planning Session--Monday, January 27th--Help Shape the Future of Mesick Schools!!

Kindergarten students are really enjoying our 5th grade reading buddies!

Today's boys' JV/Varsity HOME game against Leland is a go. The JV game tips off at 5:30.
Today's JRH girls' game at Bear Lake is canceled.

Jr High Families: There will be a Jr High Winter Wonderland dance this Friday, January 10th immediately after school until 4:30. Admission is $3. Students can be picked up at the gym entrance (same one used for sporting events).
Please contact Ms. Roda with any questions.

Our Mesick Community Advisory Committee is meeting this Wednesday, January 8th at 3:30 in the High School Library. Our original meeting was cancelled due to a snow day. We are wanting your input and this is a great way to learn more about our wellness centers that are located in the Elementary and Jr/Sr High Schools. If you have any questions feel free to call.