
February 13, 2019

Dear Mesick Families and Community Members,

I want to take this time to update you regarding our snow day situation.  It has been a crazy winter this year and it has really impacted school for our students.  As of today we have taken a total of 15 weather days and it is only the middle of February.  If you remember from the previous letter the State of Michigan allows for six (6) days to be forgiven for weather.  The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) can grant an additional three (3) days to be forgiven through an application process.  We have applied for the additional three (3) day waiver and will hopefully hear back from the MDE soon.  If approved this would leave six (6) additional days to still be made up.  Michigan schools are required to attend school for 180 days and have 1098 clock hours. 

The Wexford/Missaukee ISD has submitted a letter for its schools to our local legislatures to release the day requirement and only require the 1098 required clock hours.  This morning Representative Hoitenga introduced a bill that would forgive an additional three (3) days missed due to the Governor’s declaration of State of Emergency, the bill also would allow schools the option to just count the total clock hours, and eliminate the 180 day requirement.  I have been told that the she believes the bill has a good chance to pass and is in the process to have the bill fast tracked.  We really appreciate her listening and looking for a solution to a very challenging year. 

In addition to this, the district did look at having students come to school this Friday and Monday  and have decided against this option.  Friday is professional development day for our staff.  The district is required to offer five (5) district provided professional development days for our teachers.  We booked our presenter for this Friday last year.  We would not like our teachers to miss this opportunity.  We also were very concerned about making the required 75% attendance percentage in order to count the days, especially with the ISD and CTC being closed on these days.  If we only had 74% of our students attend school on these days we are unable to count the day and would have to make it up again later.   We are also considering attending school on Good Friday, April 19.  We will continue to keep you informed potential changes are made. 

This has not been an ideal winter and has been very challenging.  Please remember that additional closings may still occur.  These decisions are never easy and are always made by putting the safety of our children first.  I appreciate your support and patience as we continue to serve our children. 

Blessed to be a Bulldog!

Scott Akom – Superintendent