Dear Mesick Schools Community:

Our district has advertised two critical job vacancies in the jr./sr. hs and received no applicants for the positions. I am requesting that community members ask friends, relatives, or acquaintances about possible interest:

The positions are:

1. Temporary (Nov. 8-Dec. 21) custodial in the Jr./Sr. HS due to medical leave of current employee. 8 hours (flexible start/end times) cleaning classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria. Can be 1 person doing 8 hours, 2 persons doing 4 hrs. each, etc.

2. Permanent one on one assistant for special education student attending regular classes 8:15-noon each day. Start immediately.

If interested in learning more, e-mail or call 885-2727, ext 3403. Your help is appreciated!