Here at Mesick Consolidated Schools, education isn't just a service, it's a partnership. We strive for constant evolution, ensuring every student and family thrives. Our success hinges on your success, measured by confident graduates and families empowered by personalized support.

But we don't just innovate in a vacuum. We listen. Your feedback, parents and community, fuels our quest for excellence. We want Mesick Schools to be the beacon in a sea of uniformity, where student and family satisfaction soars thanks to services tailored to individual needs.

Join us in building this bright future. Share your ideas, your challenges, your dreams for Mesick Schools. Together, we can build a school environment where every student feels valued, supported, and ready to blossom. Let's make Mesick the place where "going to school" means thriving in life!

Again, I encourage you to look for the series of short surveys beginning in January and participate in supporting our students.

Thank you, and may you richly enjoy the holiday season!

Jack Ledford, Superintendent
